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ChurchWorks Parliamentary reception brings together 130 people
On 18 March, Anna Dixon MP hosted a reception in Parliament on behalf of the ChurchWorks Commission, bringing together 130 people, including church leaders, representatives from Christian charities, and more than 30 parliamentarians.
Understanding pluralism: supporting Pepperdine University’s exploration of faith and public life in the UK
The Sacred Sites Promoting Pluralism initiativeis part of Pepperdine University’s Programme on Global Faith and Inclusive Societies, and has been researching how to leverage the power of sacred sites to overcome interfaith hostility and promote the value of pluralism, the peaceful coexistence of people of different perspectives (including religious beliefs).
Loving our neighbour: The role of faith for the future of the health service
On 30 January ChurchWorks launched our research report, in partnership with Theos, into the role that churches and faith groups are already playing in social prescribing.
“Treat us like humans” – asylum seekers ask to be made to feel more welcome in UK
Asylum seekers ask to be made to feel more at home in the UK in this report from Good Faith Partnership and NACCOM, the No Accommodation Network.
AI APPG Event: 'The Impact of AI on Our Spiritual and Cultural Lives’
On 2 December 2024, the AI Faith and Civil Society Commission, joined forces with the Artificial Intelligence All-Party Parliamentary Group (AI APPG).
Churches provide healthcare that would otherwise cost the NHS billions, says new research
Faith groups play an important role in “neighbourhood level preventative care”, said Esther Platt, Senior Consultant for Good Faith Partnership and its ChurchWorks Commission, at a parliamentary event in October 2024.
AI Faith & Civil Society Commissioners reflect on 2025 strategy
The AI Faith & Civil Society Commission met recently to focus on developing its strategy for 2025.
Warm Welcome wins a 2024 Third Sector Award
Warm Welcome Spaces have been recognised in the 2024 Third Sector Awards for Breakthrough of the Year
ChurchWorks Commission to “extend the hand of friendship and partnership” to new government
Church leaders from all major denominations met with government ministers on Thursday 5 September 2024 to chart a path for stronger partnerships and tackling child poverty together.
Starmer conference speech should set out plan to tackle roots of riots
Starmer conference speech should set out long-term plan to tackle roots of riots and fill ‘vacuum on communities policy’ to stop them happening again
Fear and Hope in the UK
Muslim and Jewish Forum for Peace UK team members Dilwar and Liz reflect on the recent unrest in the UK.
Forum for Peace UK trustee Imam Qari Asim responds to the violent riots of the past week
Forum for Peace UK and Hope Not Hate trustee Imam Qari Asim responds to the violent riots of the past week.
Forum for Peace UK trustee Revd Canon Andy Thompson on Christian obligations in the wake of unrest
Uxbridge Vicar and Forum for Peace UK trustee Revd Canon Andy Thompson speaks on Christian obligations in the wake of unrest.
GFP co-hosts Welcome Hub event with asylum seekers
On Tuesday 23 July, Good Faith Partnership co-hosted an event in Bristol.
Continuity in the UK’s Freedom of Religion or Belief policy
Knox Thames considers the importance of continuity in the UK’s freedom of religion or belief policy under a new Labour government.
Forum for Peace featured at Bradford Literature Festival
At the end of June 2024 the Forum for Peace UK team delivered an event at the Bradford Literature Festival titled "The Ethics of AI: The Impact of AI on Faith".
Where do the main parties stand on artificial intelligence?
The main parties’ manifestos are now out, and while artificial intelligence has been largely absent from the current election discourse, nearly all of them mention AI in their manifestos.
Mohammed Ahmed spoke at the ICCJ Conference
Mohammed Ahmed spoke at the ICCJ Conference in Salzburg on Monday 24 June 2024.
For a better politics on refugees, look to the Mayors
Whoever steps into Downing Street after 4 July will face a multitude of problems to fix, but few areas are as broken and costly as our refugee and asylum system.
120,000 people visited a Warm Welcome Space every week in winter 23-24
New impact and polling data for the Warm Welcome Campaign, which launched in 2022 in response to the cost-of-living crisis, shows that more than 120,000 people across the UK visited a Warm Welcome Space every week over the last winter.