Latest News
GFP launches ‘Welcome to the UK’ cultural awareness training
In May 2024, Good Faith Partnership launched a ‘Welcome to the UK’ cultural awareness training course
The Bloom Review: One Year On
In early May 2024, the Woolf Institute and Wesley House Cambridge hosted a conference entitled: ‘The Bloom Review: One Year On’
Celebrating the impact of the Warm Welcome Campaign
On Wednesday 17 April we celebrated the impact of the Warm Welcome Campaign at a special service at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
Church Action on Wellbeing
Through our new Church Action on Wellbeing initiative, we want to encourage and support every church to explore how they can help people improve their mental health and enhance their wellbeing.
GFP hosts Iftar event for refugees in Bristol
Good Faith Partnership and Bristol-based refugee charity Borderlands hosted an Iftar event on Thursday 4 April 2024 for around 45 people currently housed in hotels in Bristol.
Called to chaplaincy - but what next?
Jack Palmer-White, who leads our ChurchWorks project, is beginning an online Certificate in Contemporary Chaplaincy in March 2024.
Good Faith solutions evidenced in refugee integration report
On 20 March 2024 the Commission on the Integration of Refugees produced the most significant study into refugee integration in a generation, with support from Good Faith Partnership among others.
Building an inclusive movement of warm spaces across the UK
Warm Welcome started with a simple mission – to mobilise a network of warm and welcoming local spaces for people struggling to heat their homes. This is the story of how a moment became a movement.
National Service of Celebration at St Paul's Cathedral
We're delighted to be holding a National Service of Celebration of Warm Welcome Spaces at St Paul's Cathedral on Wednesday 17 April.
AI Faith and Civil Society Commission Abu Dhabi conference
In February, four of our Good Faith Partnership colleagues from the AI Faith and Civil Society Commission travelled to Abu Dhabi for a three-day conference with key AI experts and leaders across faith and civil society.